Friday, June 6, 2008

Blogfolio Introduction

We will be creating a blogfolio for our final project for this course IT 648 - Telecommunications in Education. The blogfolio will give me the opportunity to reflect on the different assignments that we complete in the course as well as an overall reflection of the course. I will provided a post of a reflection on each individual assignment as well as a post that includes the overall reflection.

We have already completed a Web searching assignment and the creation of this blog is our second assignment. We will be creating a Web site using Google Page Creator, a story and interactive time line using circaVie, a WebQuest, a video message with Eyejot, and an online presentation using

I am looking forward to experimenting with some new tools that I haven't used before such as circaVie and Eyejot. I always enjoy playing around with new technological tools that can be incorporated into education.


My name is Amy Thornton, an Instructional Technologist at The University of Southern Mississippi (USM) in the Learning Enhancement Center. I was born and raised in a suburb of Dallas, Texas and moved to Mississippi to attend USM. I received my bachelor's degree in Computer Science and am currently pursuing my master's degree in Instructional Technology with the hope of finishing this December.

I have worked full-time for The University of Southern Mississippi for 5 years holding 3 different positions. I also worked as a student worker in the computer labs while attending USM as a full-time student.

I now live in Hattiesburg, Mississippi with my husband who is the Director of Scoutreach for the local council of the Boy Scouts of America and we are the proud parents of 3 lovable pups.