Sunday, July 27, 2008

Webquest - Assignment 5

This assignment required us to create a Webquest about any topic that could be used to guide students to learn while using Web sites to conduct research. It includes 7 different compenents: introduction, task, resources, process, evaluation rubric, conclusion, and notes to teachers. We used Google Page Creator to create a Web site containing pages for each of the above components.

Out of all of the assignments, this was the toughest for me. I had never created a Webquest before and didn't really even know what a Webquest was. In fact, I had never created any assignment for students in K-12, so this was completely foreign to me. It also took me a while to rack my brain and come up with a topic that would be appropriate for K-12. I ended up doing my Webquest about following and evaluating stocks in the stock market which targeted to students taking an economics class in the 11th or 12th grades.

I always enjoy the challenge of trying something new, which this was very new for me, so I learned a lot from this assignment, about organizing and thinking through what you want your students to get from it.

Link to Assignment:

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